AMSN PRISM Award® Pricing Increase

Announcement Date: June 25, 2021

The AMSN PRISM Award® is the premier award in the practice of med-surg nursing. There is no other award specifically for med-surg units, and the stringent vetting process allows recipients to know that they attained truly exemplary recognition as a med-surg unit.

Over the past two years AMSN has worked diligently to provide a better experience for our applicants and award recipients:

  • We moved the application process to an online portal which makes applying easier and allows unit staff to collaborate on completing an application. The online portal also allows for more efficiencies in reviewing applications.
  • Did you know that each application is vetted by a team of med-surg nurses and nursing educators from diverse locations and cultural backgrounds? Over the past two years we have nearly doubled the number of nurses who review applications, to speed up the vetting process and get results to applicants faster.
  • We now have a full-time staff member fully dedicated to support you on your AMSN PRISM Award application journey, along with other staff who assist with the award application process.
  • All recipients still receive a customized plaque that they can hang in their unit, and AMSN / MSNCB leadership still participate in live phone calls and on-site or virtual presentations to achieving units!

Because of the great commitment we invest, both in you and in the goal of exemplary med-surg units, we will be increasing the AMSN PRISM Award application fee soon. We are sensitive to the needs of our applicants, especially during these difficult COVID times, so we will slowly phase in our price increase over the course of a few years.

The first phase will be an application fee increase from $500 to $1,000, effective August 1, 2021. All applications finalized/submitted before August 1 will be honored with the current price, so we highly encourage you to submit your application soon to take advantage of this offer.

As always, we are committed to providing quality service to you and appreciate your continued support. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at if you have questions or need assistance with your current application.

Find out about the AMSN PRISM Award®