The AMSN Blog

Meet AMSN and MSNCB Executive Director Matt Fenwick

AMSN and MSNCB are delighted to welcome Matt Fenwick, MBA, to his new role of executive director. With a proven record of leadership in the healthcare association space, Matt brings to his role years of expertise and a deep commitment to the missions of AMSN, MSNCB, and medical-surgical nursing. Read on to get to know Matt and learn about his passion for association operations and the nursing profession. Plus, find out what he is most looking forward to in supporting AMSN and MSNCB in achieving their goals. 

AMSN: The AMSN and MSNCB Board of Directors, membership, and medical-surgical nursing community are thrilled to welcome you to your new role as executive director. Although this role is new to you, your experience in healthcare association leadership is not. Tell us about your career path in the healthcare association space.

Matt Fenwick, MBA (MF): I started with the American Hospital Association over 20 years ago, most recently serving as the COO for the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) for about five years. My career path within the association space has run the gamut from communications and advocacy to my leadership and operations roles. Associations have such a breadth of work available that it makes it fun and exciting for me to learn and grow as we continually serve the membership. 

AMSN: What are you most passionate about when it comes to association operations?

MF: I would have never predicted that healthcare associations would be my “home” for so long, but I have enjoyed the challenge, the issues, and the people. Healthcare is so essential for individuals and our society that it helps drive everyone. It motivates them to do well in their roles and provides a sense of purpose. Our work supports those on the frontlines and those who exist to care for others, and their work impacts the public and people very directly and for the better. In my experience, people self-select to work for healthcare associations partly for these reasons. You get to work with intelligent, capable, and passionate people, which makes everything more fun and engaging, and at the end of the day, you know you played a role in improving things.

AMSN: What about the medical-surgical nursing profession is most appealing to you?

MF: Having worked with nurses at AONL, I experienced firsthand the impactful and integral role they play in our healthcare system, especially during COVID-19. Getting the chance to support the medical-surgical nurses was something I was eager to do. Medical-surgical nursing comprises the largest group of nursing specialists in the United States, so giving them a voice through AMSN is vital. From a skill standpoint, they are experts in their practice, and their work takes place in virtually every care environment. Being a small part of such a community and supporting their profession for the betterment of medical-surgical nurses and the public is gratifying.  

AMSN: What are you most excited about regarding the future of AMSN and MSNCB? Can you share any key goals that are top of mind for you and the boards of directors?

MF: These groups have so much to offer their members and those in the medical-surgical profession that it’s hard not to be excited about it all! Like most things, we have to break it down and look at the strategic goals of both and start there operationally. Take the goal of leadership and influence as one example. We need to make sure those in healthcare and the public recognize AMSN as the preeminent organization it is. MSNCB exemplifies this work by validating excellence in medical-surgical nursing. Together, they are stronger than apart, yet each benefit in ways unique to their work. AMSN and MSNCB, via their boards, are doing great, but with an eye toward the future and some attention to detail, we can leverage this for even greater outcomes.    

AMSN: Outside of your workdays spent serving AMSN and MSNCB, how do you like to spend your free time?

MF: I spend most of my time outside of work enjoying time with my wife and daughter. I also have two very spoiled chihuahua mixes who are very much the comic relief of our household. Otherwise, I gravitate towards things that relax — a long run, an interesting book, or a good movie.

AMSN and MSNCB are thrilled to welcome Matt to the community and look forward to upholding the medical-surgical nursing profession together in the years to come. Make sure to say hello to Matt at the 2023 AMSN Annual Convention, taking place Sept. 21–23 in Las Vegas!

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