The Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses Condemns Racism

The Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (AMSN) condemns racism.

We acknowledge racism harms people, health care and health. In recent days our diverse organization has borne witness to its horrible effects; as medical-surgical nurses, we provide care to people on the front lines afflicted by COVID-19 pandemic, which has disproportionately harmed African-Americans and ethnic minorities in the United States.

We also acknowledge the hurt and anger in our people, our communities and our nation over the killing of George Floyd. His life and death crystallizes the risks that many of our neighbors of color face on a daily basis. We need healing. We need reconciliation.

Consistent with our values and ethical obligations as nurses, our public policy agenda for addressing social determinants of health, and the mission of our organization, we resolve to follow Rep. John Lewis’ advice:

Never, ever give up on any of our brothers and sisters. We're one people, we're one family. We all live in the same house, not just the American house, but the world house.

Our specific actions will include:

  • Acknowledging that nurses and nursing have perpetuated racism in the past and present, in part by not combating it with sufficient vigor knowing its harm to our colleagues, neighbors and patients, and asking forgiveness;
  • Engaging with and listening to our colleagues and communities who have borne the heaviest burdens of racism, to learn and to develop effective collaborative responses;
  • Recommending and advancing adoption of public policy solutions that seek to promote healing the wounds of racism from health and health care, including expanding the diversity of the nursing profession; and,
  • Making available educational content to help our own members learn, navigate and lead against racism and promote healing consistent with the values of nurses.