AMSN News, AMSN Blog

Happy Nurses Month (From the AMSN Blog)

Let’s Celebrate Nurses Month Differently This Year

CEO’s May Message for the AMSN Blog
Terri Hinkley, EdD, MBA, BScN, RN, CAE, Chief Executive Officer, AMSN & MSNCB

National Nurses month is here. It’s the third year in a row that it has been celebrated for one month instead of one week.

Normally a time to recognize and celebrate the hard work nurses do every day of the year, this year’s celebration feels different, somehow. Maybe it’s the two years of the pandemic.

Maybe it’s the perception that we’ve gone from being heroes to being ‘actors’ lying about the severity of COVID, being verbally and physically assaulted for administering vaccines and doing our jobs.

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- The AMSN Blog
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