AMSN News, AMSN Blog

Happy Nurses Month! (From the AMSN Blog)

I want to thank each of you for your sacrifices and your dedication to our patients, their loved ones, and each other.

AMSN President’s May Message for the AMSN Blog
By Dr. Summer Bryant, DNP, RN, CENP, CMSRN, President, AMSN Board of Directors

Nursing is a wonderful profession which allows us to touch the lives of those we care for but also those we work with each day. Some of my most valued friendships are with my nursing colleagues who have been with me through thick and thin.

When you reflect on your career this Nurses Month, consider those who have picked you up when you were down, supported you through the good and bad times, and made you laugh when you really needed it.

I believe nursing is much easier because of our teams, and when a team is high functioning there is the potential to provide an even higher level of care and compassion to patients.

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- The AMSN Blog
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