Statement from AMSN on Texas Sb 8 and Protecting Nurses to Care for Patients

AMSN Statement Of Concern With Texas Sb 8 And Importance Of Protecting Nurses To Provide Patient Care

AMSN is profoundly concerned with Texas SB 8’s potential impact on our nurse members to provide care for patients.

Patients count on nurses to provide excellent care in every health care environment. Because people recognize that nurses put patients first, the Gallup poll has for decades found nursing the most trusted profession.

Protecting med-surg nurses is AMSN’s highest priority so that nurses can provide care for patients. Recently enacted Texas SB 8 places nurses and other health care professionals at new and additional risk by exposing them to civil litigation from people they have not met or treated.

Care is already hard enough without it being threatened by new liability and financial exposure risk professionally or clinically. For the safety of patients, nurses should feel confident in providing care that is within their scope of practice. There should be no additional liability for any patient care in any circumstance.

We urge Texas SB 8 be overturned and implore other states not to take a similar approach.